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Showing posts with the label SEO Tips

What is GOOGLE?

Google is a search engine developed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page in 1996 as a research project at Stanford University to find any files on Internet easily. also Originally known as BackRub. Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. Founder of GOOGLE -  Larry Page, Sergey Brin Founded: 4 September 1998, Menlo Park, California, United States The Search engine - GOOGLE we use to get any information from internet. GOOGLE Collect information from different-different websites by web crawler. Web crawler - GOOGLE use a computer program called a 'web crawler'. that looks at the billions of websites available on the WWW(World Wide Web) and indexed their content. Then the websites easier for the search engine to find. Google updates our services daily. The domain go...

What is Social Media Marketing(SMM)?

What is Social Media Marketing? What is Social Media Marketing (SMM) - It's one of the best online ways to promote or viral any Brand, Service or anything in Social Media Sites.   Such as Facebook , Linkedin , Twitter etc. It's one of the simple way to define Social Media Marketing - Marketing of anything with Social Media platforms. It's the main definition but there are unlimited different-different ways of marketing & ways of succeeding . You can use it to gain brand awareness, build an online following, run ads, and much more. What is Social Media Marketing(SMM)? Today more than  3.196 billion people use the Social Media platform worldwide. Internet users have around five social media accounts each. People are hungry for social media content. And they want a healthy balance of the news, tips, and visuals offered across different channels. This gives you a ton of options to reach new customers. $40 billion was ...


 DIGITAL MARKETING SERVICES FOR BETTER OUTPUT WHY BUSINESSES NEED DIGITAL MARKETING SERVICES FOR BETTER OUTPUT The main thing for business is maximum output for achived the goal. this output we can get by digital marketing strategies. also this achieved by having strong presence in this field or market, also with updated trends etc. according to know customers are more updates or smart to customize any things and in past all good brands are safe in market for long time with their brand value but now customers are firstly analyzing products, services etc. than they convert in your business. according to today's market users are active on internet, just because of all comfort things are available here. most of things in business are now done through online. All these things are good for online marketing or digital marketing to grow your output. Now if you are new in industry and want good output in our business than you need to join digital marketing trends or strategi...

How to search keyword or Keyword Optimization

Keyword Optimization, How to search keywords, how to optimize keywords, how to select keywords, define keyword, how to find keywords, how to find the best keyword for my business, how to target best keywords for genuine traffic, the process of Keyword Research, how to get good keyword for websites. Keyword Optimization Keyword optimization or keyword research is the process of optimizing keyword, researching keyword and choose the best keywords for a website to target to drive genuine traffic from search engines to your website.                         keyword research process is the first step if working for a website traffic - organic traffic or inorganic traffic. at the initial level, if you are not choosing best keywords for your website,  all your ensuing efforts will be in unproductive. so first you need to properly keywords for your website to genuine target traffic.  also, the key...

SEO Checklist for Website Owners

SEO Checklist   Seo On Page Optimization & Off Page Optimization, It's all about On Page & Off Page Technical tips or also you can say Seo point, tips, or you can say things that are mandatory for Websites. These all Technical points help you to Grow your website for high Ranking in Search Engine. This Post always helps you to make new strategy or plan for your website promotion or traffic. Many people find this list to be a helpful reminder of the many items to check during their SEO projects. We’re always in need of “updated” info about SEO, and acording to now I release my updated checklist. SEO Checklist for Website Owners Important Seo On Page & Off Page Pont List - On Page Optimization Header Tag Optimization Full Meta Tag Optimization Image & Hyperlink Optimization Content Optimization Keyword Density Analysis SEO friendly URL Rewriting Website Speed Optimization Canonicalization Analysis Create and Upload a Sitem...

Google Algorithm Updates & Changes: A Complete History

Google Updates Google search engine uses algorithms . These Google Algorithm Updates are used to  mainly ranking. Google Algorithm Updates retrieve data and deliver results for a query. Search engine uses uses a different types of algorithms to ranking the webpages via a results page. Most of these updates are so minor that they go completely unnoticed. But these minor things make result major . The search engine rolls out major algorithmic updates that significantly impact the SERPs such as: Google Algorithm Updates & Changes: A Complete History Panda Penguin Hummingbird Pigeon Fred Mobilegeddon RankBrain Payday EMD (Exact Match Domain) Page Layout Algorithm Google Algorithm Updates Main Updates are - Panda -  Launch date : February 24, 2011 Working on : Duplicate content, plagiarized or thin content, user-generated spam; keyword stuffing etc. Penguin Launch date : April 24, 2012 Working on : Spammy or irrelevant links...

Content is The KING OF SEO

Content - KING OF SEO Here we Just say about Content used in Seo, Content is always Say as KING OF SEO . (Google Panda update is for Content).  In Simple Words "If you want to Increase you Seo ranking, Content writing is a must" for Seo professionals. Content is that thing, with the help of Content you can say anything in a simple way, good way or also with professional way.  Content - After reading your Content, People judge your business or may approx about your business. also may effect on your business. So Content is the main thing for your business.  Content is the Best way to get high ranking or drive more Traffic to your website AND also bad content may harm your business or decrease your ranking. Content always attract your customers. What is SEO OR CONTENT? “SEO” refers to search engine optimization or the process of optimizing a website so that people can easily find it via search engines like Google, Bing etc. By “CONTENT” we mean ...

Free High PR Classified Submission Sites List 2018

Free High PR Classified Submission Sites List 2018 Check here a list of free Classified Submission Sites which you can use for posting ads for your businesses free of cost. http://adclassi...

How To Drive More Traffic For A Website Or Blog

 How to Drive More Traffic Website Or Blog Many businesses are now using online platforms for our business to increase their sales and increasing demand of online business. It’s one of the best platform and good way for get good business. Now Mostly all types of businesses can do online. We can increase our business offline as well as online. As a marketer or business owner they always want, “more customers” for our business. Now! The  main question is How to drive More Traffic for A Website or Blog?  Check post  Seo Most Used Terms   to grow your traffic. There are many ways to drive more traffic for our Website or Blog. Ways for Getting Traffic Perform On-Page SEO Get Listed Use Landing Pages Target Long-Tail Keywords Start Email Marketing Advertise Online Guest Blog Engage Online Learn from Your Analytics Advertise Be active on Social platforms and Post to Social Media with Hashtags Work For Traffic Write irr...

Top 10 search Engines

Top 10 Search Engines Search Engine:   A search engine is a software program  that searches about what we put the keyword in search engine. There are many different search engines are available. each has different own abilities and features. The first search engine named as Archie , mainly used to search for FTP files and the first text-based search engine is named as Veronica . but now,  the most popular and most used search engine is Google.  Top 10 Search Engine 1. GOOGLE was Founded in 1996, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Now Google has one of the largest and most popular search engine in the world. According to the latest ComScore report (February 2016), 65.2% of searches were powered by Google and 8.2% by Baidu. 2.  YouTube:  Largest Video Search Engine Founded on  14 February 2005,  The service was created by three former PayPal employees—Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. Now youtube has one o...

Seo Related Most Used Terms

Seo Most Used Terms & Definitions Seo Most Used Terms What is URL:  ( Uniform Resource Locator ): URL is an address to a resource on the Internet. Example ( ) SERP  ( Search Engine Results Page) Keyword:  The word or phrase that use to search anything in  search engine Keyword density:  Keyword density is the percentage of keyword (any word or phrase) appear on a webpage compared to total words. Example- if any  keyword  appears 5 times in 100 words, so we can say keyword density is 5%. Keyword stuffing  (keyword spam): Inappropriately high keyword density. In easy words: Keyword stuffing is the way of inserting a maximum number of keywords into content in a post, to artificially increase a page's ranking for getting  more traffic to the site. Keyword cannibalization:  The use of the same keyword on too many web pages more than need in...