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How to Get More Views on Your YouTube

How to Get More Views in Videos

How to Get More Views on Your YouTube
According to Know, Mostly all people know, we will earn money from youtube. as all know as simply

- Firstly need to sign-up
- Upload videos
- Earn money

BUT we think it's simple but it's not, we need to concentrate to make simple -

Some people think youtube pay per video views but in actual, there is nothing like that. You can earn according to the click on those ads. This earning can be $2 to $10 based on the number of views of your ads. You’ll get percentages from this. The earning system is similar to Google Adsense. You can earn heavy earning from youtube. We are going to share the way of earning from youtube.

Now, The main question is - How to get More views on our videos?

In asimple way we get more views by sharing on social media with people but if you want to get heavy earning on your youtube channel than you need to properly concentrate on small things for proper results.

How to Get More Views on Your YouTube Start with simple and Small tricks -

1. Title of the video – Use Keywords in title starts.
2. Description of video - Use Keywords in Description of the video.
3. Naming your video file before upload. - use keyword in video name before upload
4. Use CC - Use closed caption (CC)  feature in your video on youtube.
5. Tagging & Keyword research for YouTube video.

After Completing this process You also need to concentrate the simple tips - How to Get More Views on Your YouTube.

1. Display Google Ads - first of all, you need to be a youtube partner to earn money from youtube. To be a partner of youtube you can visit youtube. You’ll be allowed to display ads on your youtube videos after been a partner. then you can earn from youtube
2. Upload Videos Regularly - You need to upload videos regularly if you haven't much time or more videos to regularly upload minimum upload 4 videos per week.
3. Promoting Affiliate products - You can earn money from youtube by promoting any website products in our videos.
4. Increase the viewers - To increase the number of viewers you need to you need to get more subscribers on your channel.
5. Be aware of copyright - Youtube rules and regulation is very strict for copywriting purpose. if you think about upload copyright videos than don't think, you just can earn money from youtube by upload unique content.

How to Get More Views on Your YouTube -

Also Check How To Drive Traffic for Your Website or Blog.


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